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Buddhist News of Ven. Thich Chan Tinh
The plane ticket of 18 thousand dong of the Senior Abbot of Hoang Phap Pagoda
Update: 22/05/2020
My Master is a practical example
His demeanor is ethics, compassion full
Night and day worry about common affairs
His life is simple and economic, his mind is immense.
(Vo Tri)
1. Meeting grandmaster
Once day after the evening rite, my Master called me and said: "your Grandmaster has gone to the North, you and I will come back to Guot (Dien Quang Pagoda, chaired by older Monk Tam Quan) to ask after Grandmaster's health."
Listening to "Grandmaster Hoang Phap" and "Dien Quang Pagoda", I feel gladly in my heart. Wishing for the morning sky we will come to the sacred place and pay homage to the Grandmaster I dreamed about. Thinking of Him, the peaceful energy made me feel light. This feeling with me is the second time since leaving home. Staying in that emotion, I fell into a peaceful sleep.
2. Departure ...
Then good time comes! Master's servant and I had breakfast first. Preparing is complete, my Master had waited for us at the founder's hall before that ...
The distance of the road is so long. The route seemed like going far away from Hanoi to Bac Ninh. My Master calmly closed his eyes and prayed his rosary. At that time, I am eager in my heart and forget my mindfulness is needed when driving.
Seemingly understanding what I meant, my Master said, "So it has been 2 years since your Grandmaster came to the North. This time, your Grandmaster preached a Dharma talk at Dien Quang Pagoda. Hopefully, Hoa Phuc pagoda will be able to invite him back there.”
Listening to this, I am more excited in thinking that I will be able to directly see and walk next to Him, not through images or sounds being told again ... Although many times, my Master told our brothers about the vows and wishes of the Grandmaster, I will be happier as able to meet Him.
The car comes to the pagoda gate, the solemn and sincere telling of my master has become true. When I had just got out of the car I heard the voice of full power of a significant sermon and knew that it was the grandmaster voice.
Following the Master's steps, our brothers entered into the pagoda. When finished greeting old and young co-cultivators, we go out for a walk and as instructed by my Master:
"You could visit around, when listening to recitation of the Buddha's names of dedicating merit, you would come and pay homage to the grandmaster." We clasped together our hands and bowed, returning the outside.
3. The grandmaster appearing
It was very clear, suddenly rain was pouring down for a long time. At the same time, the Dharma Talk ended, we promptly got ready. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, as if calming down the stifling atmosphere of the first days of summer. I thought to myself, "grandmaster may have supernatural power". I just thought in my heart and felt already touched.
My Master and his followers have dressed up solemnly, turning to the door and seeing the compassionate smile of grandmaster. As reflexively, we bowed Him, but our eyes still did not leave His form.
He smiled and said, "Come here ..."
At this time, the rain is sparse. My Master gave three-time bow and said, "Amitabha Buddha. Master! Please permit us into the room!" In response, the grandmaster 's voice was warm, sounding: "Amitabha Buddha."
Actually, my master spoke up to help us. Although, we said it at least three times a day, but our mouth is speechless today.
Our Master had just come beside, the grandmaster asked: "How is Buddha's Birthday this year? How is the mass? Responding to Him, my master respectfully joined his hands together, his words are very respectful, like what we have learned from him before.
After that, our master had a greeting, asked after grandmaster health and offered grandmaster and Monks of Hoang Phap Pagoda. In this meeting, my master invited the grandmaster to come to Hoa Phuc pagoda.
Taking advantage of moments when my master was kowtowing to Him, I knelt before Him and prostrated Him, so that I could look at Him all time. This year, His hair is a lot gray. Thanks to my masters' inquiries, I knew the grandmaster could sleep well, but He could not eat much because his blood sugar was higher than usual. Yet He himself did not care of hardment, went to the North with the Venerable of Bang pagoda for the co-cultivator visit and came back to Dien Quang Pagoda to preach the sermon, then accepted my Master's invitation to Hoa Phuc pagoda in the hot and dry weather of early summer. Looking at the face and smile of grandmaster, I felt strangely peaceful ...
4. Plane ticket costs eighteen thousand
On the way back to Hoa Phuc pagoda, I heard the memories, concerns, aspirations, and guidance of the Grandmaster shared with my Master. Although I can not fully understand, but somewhat I feel the sacredness in the relationship between grandmaster and his disciples.
Especially impressive to me is knowing the simplicity and savings in the personal life of the grandmaster when I heard the price of the plane ticket he had chosen was only 18 thousand dong. At first I thought I heard wrong. With the famous grandmaster, I think it must be the best ticket class to be able to both ensure health, and avoid the common world, but ...
The truth was affirmed when my master turned to look and saw the "whole-hearted nod" of the grandmaster's servant. Oh! How can He accept? Really? I thought to myself, wondered and answered myself.
At this time, I was referring to my master's sermon yesterday when he mentioned the consequence of wastefulness. The story about the "worn sandals" or the "torn pants" I had heard to mind, always thinking about my master rigor. Sometimes I even thought, "In this time, why is my master still gummy?"
But today's lesson has made me "absorbent" more. I know above all, we have a good example of grandmaster to reflect on. Thanks to that, I understood more about my master.
5. Tireless bird wings
When arriving in Hoa Phuc, Grandmaster came to altars in areas. He came and bowed at the Buddha main's hall, the Patriarch's hall. Everywhere, he asked, shared and sometimes he watched silently.
At noon, we had lunch with Him. Lunch is quiet and full of happiness, He ate two bowls. Sometimes my Master asked Him:
“Do You eat well? How touched and happy it is! After eating rice, he invited Buddhists to visit. Everyone was touched and especially the old one, nearly ninety years old. He graciously inquiried and encouraged practices Three refuge, Five precepts and Ten good things. Then, He said a short sutra:
“Do not do evil deeds
Diligently do good things
Keep your mind pure..."
His teachings are simple but profound, so, the mass today has enough conditions to receive the rain of Dharma watering their mind.
It was nearly 13 pm. I saw the grandmaster servant have told Him it is time to leave. I felt emotion, he just smiled and said, "We 'll get in the car and rest for a bit." The witty sentence made me able to laugh but also silently praised his compassion for sentient beings.
This time, I was not accompanied.
Looking at His shadow, waving, the light smile lit up in me the fire of eternal faith in the Triple Gem.
Silently praying for grandmaster to be happy and to live with us for a long time, as the vow my Master instructed the mass to pray to Him for staying in life:
"Hopefully, grandmaster would live for a long time to educate sentient beings."