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How to Feed Your Demons – Ending Part
Update: 14/01/2017
Step 4: Feed the Demon and Meet the Ally
Take a\r\nmoment to settle back into your own body. See the demon opposite you. Then\r\ndissolve your own body into nectar. The nectar has the quality of the feeling\r\nthat the demon would have when it gets what it really needs (i.e. the answer to\r\nthe third question). Notice the color of the nectar.
Imagine this\r\nnectar is moving toward the demon and nurturing it. Notice how the demon takes\r\nit in. You have an infinite supply of nectar. Feed the demon to its complete\r\nsatisfaction and notice how it transforms in the process. This can take some\r\ntime.
Notice if\r\nthere is a being present after the demon is completely satisfied. If there is a\r\nbeing present, ask it: “Are you the ally?†If it is, you will work with that\r\nbeing. If it is not, or if there is no being present after feeding the demon to\r\ncomplete satisfaction, invite the ally to appear.
When you see\r\nthe ally, notice all the details of the ally:size,\r\ncolor, surface of its body, density, gender (if it has one), its character, its\r\nemotional state, the look in its eyes, something about the demon you did not\r\nsee before.
When you\r\nreally feel connected with the energy of the ally, ask these questions:How will you help me? How will you\r\nprotect me? What pledge do you make to me? How can I access you?
Change\r\nplaces and become the ally. Take a moment to settle into the ally’s body and\r\nnotice how it feels to be in the ally’s body. How does your normal self look\r\nfrom the ally’s point of view? When you are ready, answer these questions,\r\nspeaking as the ally:I will\r\nhelp you by… I will protect you by… I pledge I will… You can access me by…
Take a\r\nmoment to settle back into your own body and see the ally in front of you. Look\r\ninto its eyes and feel its energy pouring into your body.
Now imagine\r\nthat the ally dissolves into light. Notice the color of this light. Feel it\r\ndissolving into you and integrate this luminosity into every cell of your body.\r\nTake note of the feeling of the integrated energy of the ally in your body. Now\r\nyou, with the integrated energy of the ally, also dissolve.
Step 5: Rest in Awareness
Rest in\r\nwhatever state is present after the dissolution. Pause until discursive\r\nthoughts begin again, then gradually come back to your body. As you open your\r\neyes, maintain the feeling of the energy of the ally in your body.