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Buddhist News of Ven. Thich Chan Tinh
Visiting Kim Son Monastery and Dharma Talk at Fremont Chanting Hall - United States
Update: 22/10/2016
In the morning of Oct 20, 2016, the Venerable Thich Chan Tinh visited the Kim Sơn Monastery at the address 574 Summit Rd, Watsonville, North California with the warm welcome from the Abbot Thich Tinh Tu.
Kim Son Monastery is one of Meditation Centers of Vietnam Buddhism Community in the United States, where uniting the practicing methods of Meditation and Recitation sects. This combination has been based on original sutras and Buddha’s teaching with some adjustment to suit the modern society and people. It is the spirit of creativity bringing Dharma to current life to benefit sentient beings while preserving Buddhism fundamentals and values. The practice and guidance at Kim Sơn Monastery inherited the teaching and spirit from famous Buddhism masters all around the world including the Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and Zen Master Thich Tinh Tu, the present abbot of Kim Son monastery.
After that, the Venerable visited Vo Uu Zen Center in San Martin, California; whose abbess is nun Thich Nu Dong Kinh.
In the evening, he had a Dharma talk at Fremont Chanting Hall. During the lecture, the Venerable shared that Buddha is the embodiment of all the virtues and ideals. He is an example of the highest morals, ultimate concentration (meditation) and the supreme intellection (wisdom) – which are unsurpassed. Every action, behavior, speech or even silence of Buddha are valuable lessons for us to study. It will be a large shortcoming if we learn Buddha’s words without understanding his life which is the practice of his teaching, the evidence for human beings to see that Buddha’s teachings are possible to apply instead of empty words or unreal dogma. Thus when learning from Buddha, we should have the serious will to find the Truth and the Path to liberation instead of window-shopping behavior following the herd. Sincerely following Buddha’s example is a right way to express our gratitude to Buddha’s compassion coming to this suffering world to save sentient beings.