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Tips for Working in Groups
Update: 14/07/2016
Working together in a group can be a great experience or a terrible one.
Which way it goes depends, to a large extent,\r\non the quality of the communication among group members and the respect they\r\nshow for each other. Here are a few guidelines for making your group work\r\nsuccessful.
1. Work hard.
For all activities, do your\r\nshare and a little bit more. Be responsible, and then add a little extra to\r\nbring the standards of the group up and make its success more likely.
2. Be inclusive.
Bring every member of the\r\ngroup in on discussions, decision making, and activities. Give everyone a\r\nchance to speak, listen to them, and give serious consideration to what they\r\nare saying. Cooperate.
3. Take turns.
Don’t be the leader all the\r\ntime. Don’t be a follower all the time. Don’t talk too much--listen to others.\r\nDon’t just listen to others—share your opinions too.
4. Be nice.
Avoid personal criticism. Make\r\nsure you understand what someone is saying before you weigh in with your\r\nopinion about it.
5. Be timely.
Show up promptly for meetings.\r\nMeet all deadlines. When you’re late, you waste people’s time and make them\r\nmad. People depend on you. Get it done on time.
6. Don’t be an enabler.
If you’ve got somebody\r\nwho isn’t doing their work, hold them responsible as a group. Everyone needs to\r\ndo their part.
7. Stay focused on the task.
Make your\r\nmeetings count. Don’t drift into irrelevant subjects. Be mindful about what you\r\nneed to accomplish.
8. Improve the mood of the group.
Be positive.\r\nBe fun. Be appreciative of other people. Be full of good ideas. Do your part to\r\nmake the environment a good one.
9. Don’t cast blame unfairly.
If there is a\r\nproblem in the group, begin by asking what you have done (or not done) to\r\ncontribute to that problem—and what you might do to fix it. If there is\r\nconflict, try to work it out through respectful talk with each other (not\r\ne-mail, a horrible conflict medium). Try to understand the other person’s point\r\nof view as you discuss the issue.