The meaning of Buddha Shakyamuni' s birth event

Update: 20/05/2024
Today we respectfully celebrate the birth of The Well-Prayer, we sincerely reflect on His life and the path He walked in spreading the Dhamma. We contemplate the noble, selfless qualities that He demonstrated throughout His 80 years in this world, and the wisdom and compassion He brought and nourished, which have spread widely to all beings of countless kinds.

The meaning of Buddha Shakyamuni' s birth event


This year marks the 2,648th anniversary of the Buddha's appearance in the world. Looking back at Buddha's history, we all know that before His birth, Indian society had almost sunk and been in the mire of injustice and sin. The four social classes were sharply divided. Brahmanism was a monopoly in spirituality and rituals, always imposing and expanding many rules. The class of kings and mandarins governed from their power and created numerous laws. These two classes were completely strong, always overrode the two lower classes of merchants (Vaishyas) and servants (Shudras). Injustice continued to be maintained and extended from one generation to the next. As a result, the suffering and resentment of the two lower classes gradually increased, accumulating in people's hearts as a deep sense of grievance and bitterness.

In the dark sunset of Indian society at that time, the Buddha appeared like a bright, soothing, and pure moon, dispelling the darkness of long, desolate nights. He came into the world and established new beliefs and new vitality for people, helping them approach reality and gradually transform their suffering and troubles of body and mind. He boldly spoke out to deny all customary concepts that have existed for many generations according to the hereditary ideology of the four ancient classes.

For the reason above, we, those who live and grow up in His teachings, need to promote the role of spreading the Dhamma for the benefit of beings and transforming by the instruction for the supreme truth that the Tathagata taught over 45 years. All monks, nuns, and Buddhists everywhere must live in a way that truly honors the title of being a child of the Buddha. We will cultivate the Bodhi mind for the noble and sacred ideal of “worshipping the Buddha's path above and benefiting beings below”. Besides, we do not agree with the negative, selfish thoughts of seeking comfort, luxury, and wastefulness. Instead, we should live and serve the true Dhamma with the purpose of bringing benefits to both celestial beings and humanity.

On the anniversary of His birth, the Supreme Buddha and Exalted one, let us once again pause to reflect on His brilliant and selfless virtues, which were always dedicated to the peace and happiness of humanity. He was ready to forsake his beautiful wife, lovely child, and the superb city, bidding farewell to his father and stepmother to venture into the deep forest in search of the path. He lived under trees and wore coarse robes, and even at the end of his life, he was not remote from his vow. Indeed, His presence in this world was only to “open the eyes of sentient beings for understanding of the Buddha’s wisdom”—to show beings clearly the true mind and the origin of nature. 

On the anniversary of The Blessed One’s birth, this is a chance for us to remind and encourage each other to diligently practice and be more active on the path of spreading the Dhamma and benefiting beings, and to promote the true path. By reflecting on Him, we should give light to ourselves and clearly understand our role and responsibilities as a child of the Buddha in today’s era. We should not live in comfort and happiness while there is so much suffering and adversity around us. The children's cries, the women's, and the elderly farmers' thoughtful looking, are all symbols of the miserable life of a human being. 

Soothing pain is something we should do, and we need to do even more to give those in difficult lives a chance to return to the light of wisdom and the boundless compassion of the Buddha's teachings. We must understand that the mission entrusted to us by Tathagata is a noble and great mission—relieving suffering and bringing joy to all beings.

Somewhere in our hearts, we all wish that someday a completely enlightened being like the Buddha will appear in the world, so that everyone can follow their example to cultivate and enhance the virtues and spiritual qualities. However, until the conditions are ripe for a future Buddha to arise, it is important for all of us to strive diligently in our practice and to cultivate as many good deeds as possible in our daily lives. Only then we can transform and purify the hindrances of our body and mind, creating faith and respect in those around us towards the Triple Gem and becoming a devoted Buddhist. This is considered the most precious achievement as we weave it into flowers to 'Serving sentient beings' to 'Make offerings to the Buddhas,' on the occasion of the Buddha's Birth Anniversary 2568 – 2024.

Above are a few meaningful words for the Buddha's Birth Anniversary. In this solemn setting, in front of the serene and peaceful image of the newborn statue, I respectfully wish all Venerable Sangha and all Buddhists good health, successful accomplishment of their Buddhist duties, personal benefit, and the benefit of others. May they find inner bliss and be illuminated by the wisdom and compassion of the Triple Gem, steadily progressing on the path to ultimate liberation.

Tâm Cung 

Translated into English by Ho Thi Thuy Duong

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