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Summer Retreat
The Fifth Day of Summer Retreat 2019
Update: 26/07/2019
In the morning of July 25th, 2019 (June 22nd LC), students participate the retreat meet Mr. Cao Viet Hung, a teacher and vice-principal of Binh Duong University with the talk “Career Guidance – Life Skills”.
Through self- life story, with life experiences, along with the humorous and witty talk, the teacher helps students understand more about themselves and the way they chose via the four points: Personal responsibility, family responsibility, social responsibility, and environmental responsibility. He said if we want to find ourselves, want to know what we really are doing, we need to be mindful.
Through the talk he wants all students to wake their potential up via the four values, then they will find a proper career and have peace in life.
In the afternoon there is “Go back to Origin” gameshow. The competition includes representation and Buddhist fashion. Among the 8 Buddhist countries: India, Vietnam, China, Japan, Thailand, Myanmar, Srilanka, Bhutan, each team takes one country to present its Buddhist import and development. The gameshow brings a lot of elatedness to people.
In the evening the talkshow “Heart Connection” together with the two MC Hoang Nhan and Nhu Yen.
The two MC drive people to an emotional atmosphere via many letters sent to the show. It’s about the love to parent, the late repentance, or the honest words that people want to send to their parents. The show actually is the bridge to connect parent and children.