
The 6th Sunflower Program

Update: 02/01/2015
On the morning of 02 Jan., 2015 (12 Nov. of the Horse, Lunar Year) and in the cool weather atmosphere, almost 3,000 Buddhists of the 78th Retreat attentively listened to the friendly share of the Buddhist named Ta Thi Ngoc Thao (whose Buddhist name is Le Phuoc - Cat Tuong Quan) in the 6th program called Sunflower on the subject entitled ‘Well fed but clean, intact but sweet-smelling”.

The 6th Sunflower Program


In business there was a merchant who was very successful in\r\nthe domain of real estate. She was also a knight of the pen and a journalist\r\nwith a fine and liberal pen, Also, she was an orator who caused much\r\ninspiration to many university students, youngsters and businesspeople as well.\r\nNevertheless, she finally refused everything so as to return to the ancient\r\ncapital in Hue (central Vietnam) to form a club called ‘The quiet, auspicious\r\nperson’ just for enjoying ‘breathing and smiling’. After that, thanks to her\r\npredestined affinity, she could be able to share peace and contentment with\r\nothers so that everybody might enjoy this status. What helped form such a\r\nmultipolar personality and such a special type of person?” 


The first lesson that she shared with others was the picture\r\nof a lotus flower which raised itself from mud and troubled waters and pervaded\r\nits fragrance to hman life. Truly enough, facing the difficulties of her\r\nsituations such as being starved of family affection, illness and the loss of\r\nher close relatives  -- these made her recognise many useful lessons\r\nfrom human life, one of which is to individually try oneslf best in front of\r\nhis aims and living ideals. It is also the lesson on how to admit reality, and\r\nsmile in front of sufferances. It is also the lesson on the penetration of the\r\nheart of hman life which is shotr-lived, impermanent and temporary. Thanks to these\r\nrealisations, human beings know how to stop themselves before the seductions of\r\nhuman life known as glory and wealth.  


To be successful in business, and have peace and contentment\r\nand leisure in one’s life, it can be said that the Buddhist named Le Phuoc Ta\r\nThi Ngoc Thao had been imbued with the spirit taught by the Buddha. She also\r\ncleverly applied it into her life what she had read and thought of. The\r\nBuddha’s teachings in canons or classic references as well as in Buddhist\r\nhistorical references -  all have been well thought of and applied in\r\neach of living circumstances : in doing business, teaching work or in the\r\nperception of the matters which are happening in the present society. 


“It is time for human beings to return to themselves so that\r\nthey may lessen their sufferings and serve their society with what they\r\npossess.“ Leading a peaceful, happy and unoccupied life as well as sharing such\r\na life with verybody must be a common aspiration for mankind. Nevertheless, in\r\nreality, only a few people can do it, or not many people who live in this world\r\nfull of dust can be free from it. That’s why there has been the maxim, ” ‘Well\r\nfed but clean, intact but sweet-smelling” to remind everybody of their living\r\nway.  It can be said that what the Buddhist Cat Tuong Quan shares\r\nwith us is invaluable lessons for Buddhists. Once we know how to wisely apply\r\nthe Buddha’s teachings to our life, we will have a peaceful and unoccupied life\r\neven though we are in any position or situation.


 Coming to witness and participating in the retreat,\r\nSuperior Venerable Thich Chan Tinh, Abbot of Hoang Phap Pagoda and Head of the\r\nSunflower Program, praised the Buddhist named Ta Thi Ngoc Thao for her living\r\nway and her behaviour as well. The Superior Ven. also pointed out that it is the\r\nDharma that has formed such a person like Ta Thi Ngoc Thao. The Buddha taught\r\nus that we should live in a selflessness spirit, know how to look others with\r\nrespectful eyes and love. Only in such a way can we be easy to approach and\r\nloved by everybody.


Attached herewith are some recorded pictures.

BBT Website

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