Retreat for Students

Student Cultivation Day in January 2016

Update: 17/01/2016
On January 17th, 2016 (December 08th, Goat Year), nearly 1,000 students from universities – colleges in Ho Chi Minh City gathered in Hoang Phap Pagoda to take part in a one-day retreat heading towards the sixth Buddha’s Dharma, the last Cultivation Course of the Goat Year.

Student Cultivation Day in January 2016


In the morning, after breakfast, the students gathered at the main hall to begin a Cultivation day. Opening the Cultivation program, the students were instructed from Buddha’s teaching through a Sutta of Eight Things- Kindness.

After that, they listened to the Dharma from Junior Venerable Thich Dong Thanh, the Principal of Binh Dinh Buddhism Medium School, on topic “The youth in mindful life.”

In fact, this is very necessary issue for us, not only for youth. Our life always survive under two forms , physical and mental life. If we promotein both forms. We will be happy on things as our wish will be permanent; otherwise, it will cause unexpected impacts.

Consciousness is an invisible factor, which the people want to learn about . This is also human’s permanent need, which is urgent requirement for all of people. Today, we have to live in a trouble so environment: life is lonely and separated, the society is on the deadlock way, people are living in anxious and fearful situation or individualism is always appreciated, or more. They are the facts  to impulse for thought that life demand a consciousness life in order to unbind difficulties and solve many problems.

However, the youth, future owners of the country today, when approaching  to consciousness life, they often have an negative attitude as well point of view such as: superstition, or this life only serves for some people. They do not know that spiritual consciousness is to find the things that are noble, basic complete combination in the life of people, to find mental loka, immanent loka to see high dignity, the most miraculous values in our human beings.

Therefore, Buddhism leads to a good consciousness life for them because Buddhism wakes up consciousness tradition, not being stupid, not being dogma, not being offered by any Supreme Being or authorityA right mindfulness life gives us the rightest view about ouselves so that we can recognize our real values as the most onesAchieving them, we will satisfied our lives, know how to control three karma, after that the happiness and peacefulness is inevitable impact to us.

The afternoon of the day, after meditative seating period  with the Monks, the students contacted and talked with PhD Nguyen Xuan Xanh, on topic: “The theory of Relativity, the secret of space, and universe”.

This is the general topic, including a lot of scientific knowledge , but what the PhD shared with will give the students the new knowledge about physics. The theory of Relativity is the most great achievement of modern physics in  20th century. The theory of Relativity has absolute revolution to the knowledge of human beings, time, space, material and universe, which  has always asked until at the beginning of 20th century are thoroughly resolved.

A cultivation day ended in the joy feeling of every people. Before the student leaf home, they received the Dharmaratna gifts including: the book named Lá ThÆ° Còn Lại, DVD â€œHoa Mặt Trời kỳ 9” a, VCD â€œá»ž Đời Vui Đạo.”

Sau đây là hình ảnh ghi nhận:

  Translated into English by Ms. Huynh Thi Thu Van.

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