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Buddhist News of Ven. Thich Chan Tinh
Starting the Dharma Propagation in London - England
Update: 13/11/2014
Accepting the invitation from Senior Venerable Thich Le Nguyen of The Vietnam Buddhist Association in England, Sen. Ven. Thích Chan Tinh, together with his Sangha of Hoang Phap Pagoda and the Junior Ven. Thich Tam Minh, the abbot of Hoang Phap Pagoda in Australia, paid a compliment and preached to the Buddhist community here, England.
On the occasion of this doing Buddha work, the Sen. Ven. did\r\npay a visit to Cambridge and Oxford where two well-known universities are\r\nlocated and where great world talented leaders and preeminent characters in\r\nvarious fields have been born.
Also, on this occasion Sen. Ven. Thich Chan Tinh and his\r\nentourage gave their regards to and encouraged the local Buddhist families to\r\ncontinue their right self-cultivation. Within the co-religious spirit and the\r\nunderstanding between the Buddhist leaders and the local far-from-home\r\nBuddhists seemed to revive the vital force and connect the faith and love\r\nbetween them so as to unanimously direct themselves to the sacred light of the\r\nWorld’s Honoured One here. The Sen. Ven. also offered the Dharma-Treasure\r\n - a precious spiritual article - to his fellow-countrymen in\r\nan attempt to replace their deep-affection encouragement. This present implied\r\nthat in this full of ups and downs life the local fellow-countrymen should\r\nbetter themselves so as to overcome all wind and waves in their life for a\r\nhappy shore ahead of them.
Attached are some recorded pictures relating:
Visiting Cambridge
Visiting Oxford
Thăm các gia đình Pháºt tá»
Translated into English by Mr. Hoang Huan, layman.\r\n\r\n