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Slowly and regularly ...
Update: 25/03/2015
At our old age, our legs seem to be lengthened; they seem to be heavier and disobey their owner! The joints have become hardened, our bones decayed, our nails bristle and easy to be broken. …!
This may be the result mentioned by the musician named Trinh\r\ncong Son when he said in one of his pieces of music, “Why did you go around\r\nduring your youth; as a result, you now become tired …†When visiting a medical\r\ndoctor, he often advises us to perform our physical exercise to avoid contracting\r\nthis and that disease, such as preventing from diabetes, cardiovascular\r\ndiseases, decreasing depression, worries, etc. But, we are likely fallen\r\ninto the ‘overloaded circumstance’ that may lead to be more serious.
Even when we practise walking, which is the simplest and\r\neasiest exercise, we should depend on our potential strength. A person with a\r\ntired heart for a long time and with its irregular beats\r\nand arrhythmia will get bad results if he exercises too\r\nmuch. For there have been people who exaggerated his energy and then had a\r\nstroke right on his tennis ground. Some others bow themselves for a moment and\r\nthen break his neck or his vertebral column right on his yoga sports ground,\r\nespecially when there is competition with his instructor or his friends!
Nowadays we see that only old people taking great interest\r\nin zeal in parks and on street sides - running,\r\njumping at their maximum speed in an attempt to make up for their younger time,\r\nsitting still and puffing up a cigarette.and sipping a cup of coffee! Formerly,\r\npeople made their living by hunting and picking fruits, fishing and growing\r\nrice or tilling their fields… In that way they physically practised their body\r\nall day long. But today many people lead an urban life - they stay around their\r\nT.V. sets and sit in front of a computer! There is a principle known as ‘Use it\r\nor lose it!â€. This means that anything not put in use for some time will be\r\nshrunk. Or it means that nowadays people use their head too much. As a result\r\ntheir head becomes more developed while their body becomes smaller and smallerâ€
Our body is formed with over two hundred pieces of bone and\r\nthese are connected by the joints and various ligaments and through time this\r\nsystem becomes withered. The muscles and the nerves also need to be\r\nmaintained in good condition. Therefore, each day we need to do physical\r\nexercise in any form, such as aerobics, Qi Gong, jiu-jitsu, yoga,\r\nmeditation, arbitration, Tae kwon do, Bodhidharma’s Yin Gin Ching, etc. -\r\nany of these forms will help, provided that it should be combined with our\r\nbreath.
Even the way old people who prostrate themselves to\r\nthe Buddha daily and regularly - it is good for their body on condition that\r\nthey keep their body in right posture, not to lower their spinal column or tire\r\nthemselves out and then shift the blame onto the Buddha, which should be\r\navoided!
Of course, doing physical exercise at aged people should not\r\nbe for the purpose of being a robust athlete or for entering competitions. But\r\nthe main purpose is to create endurance and elasticity, flexibility, and\r\nbalance for their body, as well as to lower their blood pressure, etc. And\r\nthese good things have been proved at many medical centers.
Practitioners need neither go far from their house nor\r\nfinical and expensive means to do their physical exercise. If there is a\r\nstaircase right in their house then they can move up and down the stairs, which\r\nis much better than using an elevator or lift. They can even walk around and\r\naround their ground space within their house. They should choose one of these\r\nforms to practise until they find addicted to it - they find uncomfortable when\r\nthey miss even just one daily practice.
Properly doing physical practice will help slow down ageing\r\nprocess. It also helps lessen depression and worries.\r\nPractitioners will be in high spirits and feel self-confidence. On the\r\ncontrary, if the practitioners feel dizzy, headache, suffocating, tired,\r\nnauseous and giddy, or unbalanced, etc. he should stop his exercise and go see\r\na medical doctor immediately.
Do not make exceeding effort and do not try to compete with\r\nothers.Remember that each individual has his\r\nown physiological and pathological status.
Do Hong Ngoc, MD
Translated into English by Mr. Hoang Huan, layman.