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Repentance Ceremony Lunar August 30 th, Horse Year.
Update: 23/09/2014
In the late afternoon of September 23rd, 2014 (August 30th, Horse Year), Buddhists from the urban and suburban districts came to Hoang Phap Pagoda to participate in the repentance ceremony.
As usual, before the beginning of this procedure, the\r\nlecture was taken charge of by the monastery’s Venerables. In This Repentance\r\nCeremony, Junior Ven. Thich Tam Thuc shared about the topic: “Knowing about the\r\nPracticeâ€
The Buddhist going to pagoda should seriously learn\r\nboth ways of cultivating and studying. The cultivation was\r\npractically applied from primary to profound dharma, in which it includes\r\nattentive practice, pure six senses (Eyes, Ear, Nose, Tongue, Body, and Mind).\r\nThese are important because this is a basic practice.
In Angutara Nikaya, Chapter of Being Respested, the\r\nBuddha taught: “Bhikkhus, achieving these six sense-dharmas, you are\r\nworth of being worshiped, respected, offered, bowed with hand-holding, which is\r\nblessings in life. What are six senses? Here, Bhikkhus, on seeing a visible\r\nobjects, you feel neither liking nor hatred, in release and right mindfulness;\r\non hearing a sound, smelling an odor, tasting a flavor, on feeling an object,\r\nthinking a concept , you feel neither liking nor hatred, in release and right\r\nmindfulness.†Ones who want to keep solemn, pure precepts should preserve their\r\nsensible-doors. When having firm foundation of cultivation, their consciousness\r\nwill become wisdom and result in current enlightenment.
After the talk, Buddhists continue with the Repentance\r\ncourse of citing Buddhas’ names and pray five commandments for laypeople.