
One Day Retreat on Jul 23, 2017

Update: 23/07/2017
Today Jul 23, 2017 (Jun 01, lunar calendar), thousands of Buddhists from regions gather at Hoang Phap Pagoda for the 6th One-Day Retreat in 2017.

One Day Retreat on Jul 23, 2017


After breakfast, participants come to lecturing halls for the Dharma talk with the topic "Ulambana, Thinking of Parents’ Merits" from Venerable Thich Tam Dao, Deputy Abbot of Hoang Phap Pagoda

No one among us can grow up without parents’ merits and cares. From pregnancy, childbirth to breeding kids to adulthood, parents’ compassion and merits are huge and immeasurable. The simple and dear words of the Venerable remind audience the image of committed parents sacrificing their whole lives for the bright future of kids, make silent drops of tear fall in the lecturing halls. Perhaps, due to the hurry in modern life, we have now and then forgotten the nobleness of parenthood and considered those commitments as the default duty that parent must do for us. Parents are more likely Buddhas at home spending their whole life taking care of children without expecting any repayment, that is simple but not easy for many ones to carry out.

Buddha said: "the ultimate goodness is fulfilling filial duty, the ultimate evil is unfilial activities”. Parents’ merits are too huge for us to repay appropriately. As Buddhist, we should carry out our responsibilities to parents with not only material cares but also spiritual supports as introducing Buddhism Dharma to parents, encouraging them taking refuge in and respecting Triratna, following up Buddha’s teaching, letting go the mind of craving and lust, doing the offerings to have happiness both in this life and the after-lives and be born in the good realm. This is the best way for us to express our gratitude to parents and be the good example for our descendants to follow.

Once again, Ulambana comes around the corner. It is the time for us to look back, to live completely and enjoy the happiness living with our parents. We should take care of parents properly in every moment so that when they pass away, we do not feel sorry thinking of our faulty behaviors with them but happy because we have served them the best.

After the Dharma talk, the course keeps on with Buddha’s name chanting as usual.

In the afternoon, after recitation session, Buddhists listen to the precept statement and have the sitting meditation.

Following are the recorded photographs:


BBT Website

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