
Mr.Cong Vinh"s Tritarna Rrefuge

Update: 20/04/2015
In the morning of April, 20th, while his Becamex Binh Duong teammates were preparing to travel in China to attend matches at AFC Champions League, Cong Vinh was staying in Ha Noi with his wife. They went to a pagoda in the capital in order to take refuge.

Mr.Cong Vinh


Mr.Vinh and his wife came to a pagoda in Ha Noi to take\r\nTriratna refuge.

Mr.Vinh and Mrs.Tien are Buddhism workshipers because they\r\nhad previously faced many problems in their love story and The Buddha's\r\ndoctrine helps them to continue fellow-travelling untill now

They also regularly organize charities for the poor and\r\nMr.Vinh said the Buddha’s teachings brought belief to his life and his job. He\r\nalways reminds that the law causality as a lodestar in behaving with people as\r\nwell as with the practice matches.


He was imbued with the Buddhism philosophy in life which\r\nbrought faith to this striker who could overcome difficult periods. Thus, the\r\ntaking refuge in Three Jewels would help him perform his wishes. Miss. Thuy\r\nTien also took refuge formerly in this monstery and Mr.Vinh followed her.\r\nHence, this couple will get more convenient to do good and cultivate virtue.


Before that Mrs.Tien had also taken refuge in the pagoda and\r\ncame to ceremory with her husband in this time.

Source: Tri Thuc Tre

Translated into English by On Thi Ngoc Thao

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