
Gratitude to Master.

Update: 04/06/2014
On June 4th, 2014 (Lunar May 6th), many children came to Hoang Phap to present flowers and greet for the Senior Abbot’s health.

Gratitude to Master.


 Over 40 children from 5 to 13 of age gathered in the\r\npagoda. After their petition offering, the Ven. had some words to motivate and\r\nadvice them.


The senior told about his recent visit at the kid faculty of\r\nHCMC Tumor and Lump Hospital. He met many children who had serious diseases in\r\npain. Some were very young, but they must face with painful sufferings, which\r\nare brutalizing them. They stay cramped in a narrow, heated room.


Currently, all of you are fine and healthy, so you should\r\nrespect your health and enjoy the happiness owned. However, you also think to\r\npeople who get more miserable and unluckier than you.


After his words, the children together read verses of “The\r\nGratitude” and offered their singing from the song of “The Master being our\r\nbelief”. At last, they presented their fresh flowers, which were simple but\r\nfully of their loving, to the Senior Venerable. Responding their emotion, the\r\nVen. gave them small gifts of cake and candy.


Following were images recorded:




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