
Discovery of Main Cause of Diabetes to Vietnamese.

Update: 23/03/2015
Vietnamese usually eat rice as the main food in their meals. This is why Vietnamese are at higher risk for diabetes.

Discovery of Main Cause of Diabetes to Vietnamese.


There are, at least, two researches on the place of white\r\nrice in causing the sickness of all time: diabetes.


The first research was run by the researchers from the\r\nHarvard Medical School in Boston.


This research is compiled from smaller studies lasting from\r\n4 to 22 years with the total number of participants up to 352,000 people from\r\nAsian countries (China and Japan) and two in the West (America and Australia).


The studies aim to find out the relationship between eating\r\nwhite rice and the risk of getting diabetes type 2. Those studies also answered\r\nthe question whether the Asians tend to eat white rice are at higher risk for\r\ndiabetes than the others or not.


During the process of study, 13.284 people have\r\ngot diabetes. Asia remains as the region with more people with diabetes. In\r\nparticular, It's easier for women to get diabetes than men.  


There were conclusions, that: eating white rice may increase\r\nthe risk of diabetes. People who eat three meals a day of white rice are easy\r\nto get diabetes type 2 than those who eat 2 meals / week. The researchers said\r\nthat the rice has a high glycemic index, meaning that the body quickly converts\r\ncarbohydrates in rice into glucose. Glycemic index of white rice is 64 on a\r\nscale of 100 heads of foods which have high glycemic index. A diet with 70% of\r\nthe energy which is supplied from the white rice causes diabetes to Vietnamese.


A different study published by Prof. Shigeru Yamamoto,\r\nDirector of the Research Centre for Nutrition and Food Culture in Asia, Jumoji\r\nUniversity, Tokyo, Japan also demonstrated the link between eating habits with\r\nwhite rice and diabetes.


According to the study, a diet which is rich in\r\ncarbohydrates from Vietnamese menu, which mainly with white rice is the main\r\ncause of diabetes in Vietnamese and it's not based on the genetic factors.


From the eating habits of Vietnamese people, about 70% of\r\nenergy from carbohydrates increases sugar level in blood in Vietnam, the age from\r\n60-65, making the risk of diabetes increases. According to the researchers, we\r\ncannot be negative about the health benefits which are brought by eating white\r\nrice. In facts, it's impossible to abandon carbohydrates from our body.


However, in order to minimize the risk of diabetes, there\r\nshould be a reasonable diet in which the amount of white rice used in the meal\r\nis decreased. A combination of brown rice, sprouted brown rice instead of white\r\nrice is highly advised in order to control diabetes better.


Using brown rice, sprouted brown rice will reduce the level\r\nof postprandial glucose response better than using white rice. Moreover, brown\r\nrice and sprouted brown rice provide higher nutritional value than white rice\r\nand also help to reduce obesity.


Thái Phong


Translated into English by Nguyen Thi Mai Thao.

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