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Buddhist News of Ven. Thich Chan Tinh
Dharma Talk at Truc Lam Ashram and Tu Quang Pagoda - Taiwan
Update: 23/07/2017
Based on the invitation of Venerable Thich Tam Luan and Vietnamese Buddhists in Taiwan, in the evening of July 21, 2017 Senior Venerable Thich Chan Tinh and his delegation came to Taiwan for a preaching trip in some days.
This morning July 22, 2017, the Senior Venerable delivers his first Dharma talk on the trip at Truc Lam ashram, Taiwan with the topic “Cause and Effect Rule - Karmaâ€. This is the Buddhism fundamentals for practitioners to study and practice. He wants to draw everyone’s attention to Cause and Effect Rule and Karma that govern our life. Buddha teaches us: "We are the creators/heirs to karmaâ€. No one else designs karmas for us but ourselves, hence un/happiness are our choice. They do not come from God’s blessing/punishment. If we want to promote on our path to liberation, we shall have to be awakened in every thought, speech and activities in every moment bringing positive values and good deeds to others.
In the evening, Senior Venerable Thich Chan Tinh has a Dharma talk at Tu Quang Pagoda sharing about efforts and achievements in Buddhism activities of Hoang Phap Pagoda. Via skillful means, he has diversified the methods of propagation so that all members of society can access Buddhism easily. For him, the greatest opportunity is his first Buddhism trip to Taiwan that year creating a series of Buddhism retreats in Viet Nam as Seven Day Retreat, Summer Retreat for Student and other meaningful Buddhism programs that have been vastly affecting to Vietnamese Buddhists and others in the world.