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Buddhist News of Ven. Thich Chan Tinh
Dharma Giving at An Quang Temple
Update: 03/10/2018
In the afternoon of Oct. st, 2018, Ven. Thich Chan Tinh visited An Quang Temple, in Birmingham city, Alabama State for the invitation of Ven. Thich Duc Phuoc, the Abbot of An Quang Temple.
He tells a brief story about Buddha Shakyamuni to remind people to follow. But, people mostly think the Buddha is not human but a saint, this makes a big hindrance for improving practice. In fact, the Buddha many times tell stories related to his previous lives. Jātaka, the story of the birth, belongs to Khuddaka Nikaya , mentioned that the Buddha had to practice very long in the past, little by little. Therefore, the lay devotee should follow and put the most effort to practice, develop morality and cultivate your mind. If this life we have not collected enough yet to get freedom, what we learn in this life will make a condition for the next lives to see the Buddha teaching and follow until liberation.
Finished the talk, Ven. Thich Chan Tinh sent the book “Talk about Dog in the Dog-Year” as a present to all the listeners.