
Buddhist wedding ceremony – a cultural beauty

Update: 22/12/2014
Buddhist wedding ceremony is a cultural form and also a bright feature in the development of Buddhism. It is appropriate to the sense of entering the world of Buddhism.

Buddhist wedding ceremony – a cultural beauty


Today’s Buddhists come to pagodas not only for sightseeing,\r\nworshiping or praying but also for learning about Buddhism and participating in\r\nBuddhist affairs. In the past, people only came to pagodas when having some\r\nreasons such as wishing for peace, celebrating a requiem, etc. Today, Buddhists\r\ncome to pagodas when having great delights such as house-warming, shop opening,\r\nand especially the significant issues of the people’s life such as wedding,\r\nengagement ceremony. Buddhist wedding ceremony is a cultural form and also a\r\nbright feature in the development of Buddhism. It is appropriate to the sense\r\nof entering the world of Buddhism and contributes to making Buddhism come\r\ncloser to people’s life.


Celebrating a Buddhist wedding ceremony at pagodas means\r\nbuilding a bridge between religion and life so that nation’s traditional\r\ncultural values can be in harmony with Buddhism mysterious culture. Meanings\r\nof the Buddhist wedding ceremony is expressed positively when the groom and\r\nbride vow to have a life with a sound spirit in five principles of morality,\r\nhead to a nice and mild life as well as build a nice home in the future. Family\r\nis the cell of the society. Once family is harmonious, the society will\r\nabsolutely be peaceful and prosperous. The Buddhist wedding ceremony is a nice\r\nbeginning for forming a home in the future of youngsters.


Besides, the ceremony is also an occasion for the groom and\r\nbride to learn about doctrines of Buddhism to apply them to their life\r\nafterwards. Monks’ teachings granted in the ceremony will be golden rules in\r\nbehaviors from the both sides. At the time of the Buddha, he not only taught\r\nways to cultivate for monks but also ways to live and behave for at-home\r\nBuddhists to be suitable to their life. Therefore in the ceremony, the sense of\r\nentering the world of Buddhism is showed clearly in practical teachings of the\r\nmonks for you.


Celebrating the Buddhist wedding ceremony at pagodas,\r\ntemples, monasteries brings secure, stable happiness and orient to a life of\r\n“good life, good direction”, which is advantageous to cultivation. That is a\r\npractical action of Buddhists. Although there is a quite large number of\r\nyoungsters registering a Buddhist wedding ceremony at pagodas, the number is\r\nnot remarkable compared to the general aspect. Therefore, rituals of the\r\nBuddhist wedding ceremony needs to be spread wider so that this tradition can\r\nbe stably developed and become a beauty in the Buddhism culture as well as in\r\nthe nation’s traditional culture.


Below are some taken images: \r\n\r\n

Translated into English by Huynh Thi Thao.

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