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Believing in only One Person
Update: 16/05/2015
At one time the Buddha stayed at Truc Lam Monastery, and taught Bhiksus:
There are five of pernicious things in each individual’s\r\npure faith, what are five?
Whoever had a pure belief, then he fouled and Buddhist\r\nclergymen, based on his committed errors, let him sit behind. Also, Whoever had\r\na pure belief, then he went to the other place, or he had disorder mind or\r\ndied.
This person thought: “He I admire, appreciate, he is suspended\r\nhis position, and let last sit down, he goes so far today, become mad, die.â€\r\nAnd this person is not in pure belief to the Bhiksu.
Because of not contacting the other Bhiksu, he did not hear\r\nwonderful Dharma; therefore he should fall down from Dharma.
Dear Bhiksu! there are five of pernicious things with pure\r\nfaith on each.
(ÄTKVN, Nikaya II, Chapter 5, Section Evil Action, Part pure\r\nfaith on each ], VNCPHVN published 1996, page 745)
Belief in the Three Jewels, especially believing in the Sangha\r\nis considered a key element of pure belief, to make growth blessing and\r\nincreasing of spiritual sublimation itself. Sangha is a pure and harmonious;\r\nbelieving in Sangha truly is to send trust in these mass. Based on believing\r\nSangha, a Buddhist may be close to practicing with the monks. But a Buddhist\r\nbelieves only one monk and almost ignores the Sangha, which is pernicious.
The monastic community today cannot be called\r\ncompletely pure, because some monks have not renunciation obligations. The\r\ntruth is significantly affected the prestige of the monks in general, but it is\r\nthe individual, unrelated to the essence pure and harmony Sangha. Also so does\r\nexist phenomena that some people (maybe they do not have a deep understanding\r\nof the teachings and guidance from his teacher’s prejudices), only with a\r\nsingle belief in his/her teacher and lose belief in the Sangha.
This belief easily falls into the extreme devotion to\r\nignorance, unavoidable clinging to and increasing the self-sufficiency to\r\nhis/her monks.
According to the wisdom of Buddha, these are pernicious\r\nbecause when just put their faith in a monk, then he accidentally downs, or in\r\nimpairment door to impermanence prevalent, leading to wobble, so down, and took\r\nrefuge in spirits and rotten in Dharma.
Therefore, Buddhist have to build their belief,\r\nrespect in Sangha, and His master’s only a leaf of the Sangha tree, a cell of\r\nthe body Sangha. The Sangha tree is enormous, has lush foliage, strong roots.\r\nLeaves can be sick and fall but the Sangha tree remains steadiness. Neglecting\r\na large tree to catch the leaves is like a disadvantage; misconceiving a leave\r\nas a giant tree is even more pitiful. And this is something that a new Buddhist\r\nneeds to consider for achievements of believing in pure Sangha.