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Vào điện Phật giữ gìn mối đạo tâm lành.
Beginning of The First Course of Summer Retreat at Dong Cao Pagoda in Thanh Hoa Province
Update: 23/07/2017
Establishing of Summer Retreats is the chance for the young who will learn and listen to the Buddha teachings by the monks’ dharma preaching. From these courses, the young’s mind is cultivated and then its achievements will have harvested in the future. Keeping on the heart about willing and wishes of a Buddha" s child, Junior Ven. Thich Tam Hung was supported by the monks of Hoang Phap Pagoda that firmly organized to The First Course of Summer’s Retreat at Dong Cao Pagoda.
In spite of the lack of material equipments; however, by the wishes of the young in cultivating, learning and developing ethnics as well as being supported by the levels of authority and the offerings from the spirit of followers; therefore, the cultivated course had an achievement.
The retreat took place five days on July 22 - 26th, 2017. In the afternoon of July 21st, 2017 the young gathered to the pagoda to register for their cultivated beginning. On the first day at retreat, in the morning, the Venerable taught dignities, some skills in daily life, such as folding blankets, washing clothes, etc. In the afternoon, Junior Ven. Thich Tam Hung had a dharma talk about retreat’s principles and encouraged their cultivated diligence.