Buddhist News of Ven. Thich Chan Tinh
A Day with Vietnamese Buddhists during the Retreat in San Jose City, California, United States
On Oct 22, 2016, the Venerable Thich Chan Tinh spent a whole day with the Vietnamese Buddhists, on...
Visiting Monastery and Pagodas in San Jose - United States
On Oct 21, 2016, the Venerable Thich Chan Tinh visited the monastery and pagodas in San Jose, North...
Visiting Kim Son Monastery and Dharma Talk at Fremont Chanting Hall - United States
In the morning of Oct 20, 2016, the Venerable Thich Chan Tinh visited the Kim Sơn Monastery at the...
Visiting Kim Quang Pagoda and the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB) in North California - United States
In the afternoon of Oct 18, 2016, the Venerable Thich Chan Tinh visited Kim Quang Pagoda in...
Dharma Talk at Thien An Pagoda in North California - United States
In the morning of Oct 17, 2016, the Venerable Thich Chan Tinh visited the Abbot of Hue Quang Pagoda...
Second Day at The Retreat at Bat Nha Pagoda in South California - United States
On Oct 16, 2016, the second day of the Retreat at Bat Nha Pagoda, the Venerable Thich Chan Tinh had...
A Day at The Retreat at Bat Nha Pagoda in California - United States
On Oct 15, 2016, the Venerable Thich Chan Tinh delivered his teaching during one day at the Retreat...
Visiting the Headquarters of Compassionate Service Society (CSS) and Dharma Talk At Minh Dang Quang Ancestral Hall in South California - United States
In the morning of Oct 14, 2016, the Venerable Thich Chan Tinh visited CSS (Compassionate Service...
Guiding Buddhist Etiquette to the Ashram at Pho Quang Chanting Hall in Nevada - United States
In the morning of Oct 12, 2016, the Venerable Thich Chan Tinh guided the etiquette for Buddhist to...
Dharma Talk at Pho Quang Chanting Hall in Nevada, US
In the morning of Oct 11, 2016, the Venerable Thich Chan Tinh had a Dharma talk to the ashram at...