Buddhism & Society
Buddha Recitation By The Whole Heart
Ask : In Sukhavati Vyuha Sutra, people are reminded to practice the Pure Land method and orally...
Converting relatives for Buddhism.
Ask: The wife has studied Buddhism for many years but the husband still hasn’t believed in it yet,...
The initial drink for a new day !
One drinking glass in every morning has maginical function in body purifying.
Much Dream during Long Night
Once, Bhagava (Buddha) stayed at Vesàli, at Huge Forest, a cone roofed lecture hall, Bhagava said...
The monk’s conduct
King Milinda asked Venerable Nàgasena: - Venerable Nàgasena! Once, I had chance to talk to...
Sleeping Peacefully
Upon a time, Bhagavan stayed at Raajagaha in Sita forest. At that time, Anathapindika came Rajagaha...
Who Reciting Buddha’s Name?
Ask: The dharma scriptures are written that people reciting Buddha’s name sometimes wonder...
Firm trust
Question: How can I have absolute trust in Dharma Door of Buddha Recitation to gain rebirth in the...
Meditation, therapy for peaceful sleep
When Bhagava resided at Kimbila in Veluvana, he taught the Bhiksu: