
The 7th Award of Buddy-Talent Scholarship

Update: 16/01/2017
On Jan 15, 2017 (Dec 18, lunar calendar), the 7th Award of Buddy-Talent Scholarship has been held at Hoang Phap pagoda.

The 7th Award of Buddy-Talent Scholarship


In order to inspire and encourage the students’ resilient mindset during hardship, link between the sponsors and diligent students in needs, the buddy-talent fund formed in 2013. After six times of award, the Fund has supported 2.500 cases of diligent, talented students in needs. This time, there are nearly 400 scholarships worth 826.560.000VND granted to the eligible ones. With this scholarship, the organizer hopes that the talented students are partly facilitated their studying to become engaged citizens in the society.

Attending and witnessing the ceremony, Reverend Thich Tam Hue, head of charity division of Hoang Phap Pagoda, delivered a Dharma talk to motivate the students.

He reminded the mass the quarter-key grace in life including the merits from Parent, Teacher, Society and Country. Buddha teaches us about these graces so that we can keep in mind and express proper gratitude to benefit all. To students, to get such a current situations, it is thanks to parents’ merits, and also the loving kindness and caring from society. The Youths, as the country’s owner to-be, should try the best and beyond the best to fulfill their duties in family and at school to become to virtuous and engaged citizen in the society.

Last but not least, students should frequently come to pagoda to learn Dharma, take refuge in Triratna to find to right way of life. This is the ultimate and essential issue to the young people in present and future.

Baby singers Cu Bo and Tu Anh contributed to the program with song "Ngay Tet Que Em" (New Year in my hometown) and song “ Niem An Vui” (The Ease) respectively.

The ceremony ended in the joys of all. Besides the scholarship, each student received a Dharma gift from the organizer.

Following are the recorded photographs:


BBT Website

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